Monday, February 27, 2012

The Social Network Review

Director David Fincher created an interesting tale of one of our generation's greatest entrepreneurs in his movie The Social Network. The movie goes from his time as an undergrad at Harvard up through the completion of his legal disputes. Overall, the movie was well made. Fincher's best move as director was getting Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails and his associate Atticus Ross to do the score (which was the main reason I stayed awake through the movie). Reznor and Ross' contributions gave a good texture for the story and an idea of what was coming throughout the various ups-and-downs of the movie, however I thought there were key parts of the true story of Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook that were left unaddressed.

Such points like the $12.7 million investment by ACCEL Corporation in 2005, from namely manager James Breyer. Mr. Breyer was on the board of National Venture Capital Association with Gilman Louie the CEO of In-Q-Tel, a venture capital firm established by the CIA in 1999. In-Q-Tel's main objective is promoting data mining technologies, and they struck gold with Facebook. James Breyer also served on the board at BBN Technologies; the company who, much to Al Gore's chagrin, actually created the internet. In 2004 while Zuckerberg was starting to hit his stride and refusing to advertise on Facebook so they wouldn't lose his coveted "cool factor", Dr. Anita Jones joined the board of BBN along with Louie, and Breyer. Before joining BBN Dr. Jones served on the Board of Directors at, of course, In-Q-Tel. Also Dr. Jones was the Director of Defense Research and Engineering for the Department of Defense, in that capacity she oversaw the actions of an entity called DARPA, the largest mind-control center in America. DARPA's headquarters are just outside of Blacksburg, Virginia where Virginia Tech is located. Virginia Tech's notorious claim to fame is the place of the largest mass murder in modern history, which I would suggest is not mere coincidence, but I digress. DARPA's profile grew exponentially in 2002 when it became public knowledge that they created the Information Awareness Office whose mission is to gather as much information on the people as possible, it is quite obvious how valuable an asset Facebook is to such an institution.

We are led to believe Mark Zuckerberg was someone who didn't have interest in making money, but rather doing something creative and as he said "cool". I mean what's cooler than selling out to corporate interests like the CIA, right? I felt the ACCEL investment was a horrible omission by David Fincher and something all Facebook users should know. They should also know that recently Facebook began giving, each time someone logs on, a cookie that tracks everywhere else on the internet one may visit and the coordinates of where you are every time something is posted. Add in the recent controversy of Facebook accessing people's text messages through the Facebook app, the simple truth becomes crystal clear. Facebook crushed other similar companies like MySpace making Zuckerberg filthy stinking rich, not because he had an original idea it's because he was the first to sell out to the multi-national corporations and happened to attend the elitist Harvard University. But no one wants to hear that because of their absurd almost hopeless addiction to his Frankenstein creation. The sheeple would rather believe in a world where Mark Zuckerberg is the hero of entrepreneurship and creative thought; even though "his idea" had already been made on MySpace and Friendster as mentioned in the movie.

The movie endears us to Zuckerberg with his portrayed Michael Cera like witty, cutesy humor and Einstein like genius; but doesn't give us a whole sense of the reality of Facebook, which is somewhere you can connect with friends of your earlier and present life. But is also an information shmorgishborg for the big brother state, a massive distraction from gaining any relevant information that would never be on mainstream media outlets but is still on the internet, and to serve as a fix for the mass addiction of narcissism. But why read a book on the true nature of physical reality or spend quality time with loved ones when I might miss the latest update on the adventures of former high school acquaintances? Facebook is a greater burden on our society than agent of social progress and the movie has a sense of misconstruing that reality. Because of this misrepresentation I wouldn't recommend this movie to friends though I do believe the technical aspects of this production are admirable.

Friday, February 17, 2012

5 Watchmen Claims

1. Due to Dr. Manhattan’s super abilities namely his ability to see past space and time he is unable to have human emotions or sympathize with any type of hardship or difficult situation. In the early parts of the novel Rorschach comes to tell Laurie Jupiter and Dr. Manhattan of the death of their former partner The Comedian; in an emotionless reaction Dr. Manhattan replies “A live body and a dead body contain the same number of particles. Structurally, there's no discernible difference. Life and death are unquantifiable abstracts. Why should I be concerned?”(Chapter 1; pg. 22). Though right after that Rorschach begins to upset Laurie and it appears that upsets Jon to which he tells Rorschach to leave and teleports Rorschach away, it seems more likely that he did not want him to keep upsetting Laurie as opposed to Dr. Manhattan himself actually getting upset. Another aspect that keeps Dr. Manhattan from truly being human is he can see atoms and neutrinos as Laurie reveled to Dan when she first left Dr. Manhattan. Imagine having someone talking to you and being able not only to realize but see that they are just a walking, talking, mass of atoms and vibrational energy fields. Also take into consideration that atoms are over 99% empty space and in the quantum world the term solidity is invalid; Jon sees what appears to us as solid physical object for what they truly are, which is so far different from what humans are capable of perceiving. When this is all taken into consideration it becomes clear that by definition Dr. Manhattan is not human and therefore is not capable of typical human emotions or relating and having successful human relations.

2. Dr. Malcolm Long in an attempt to further his career bring some amount of good publicity for himself and set himself apart from others in his field, bit off more than he could chew by taking Walter Joseph Kovacs’ (Rorschach’s) case. In good nature Dr. Long thought he could genuinely help Walter and possibly be revered as the man who changed around a deeply troubled man, instead Rorschach did more work to undo the clean cut well-adjusted psychiatrist than vice-versa. Even just the way Walter would stare at him emotionless really seemed to cut to the core of Dr. Long, and each subsequent meeting seemed to take more and more of a toll on the psychiatrist self-described content and sunny disposition. Walter’s affects seem to hit a peak after his third meeting with Malcolm Long when he described seeing the dog’s beaten in skull in the paint blot then continuing to detail his murder of an accused child murderer followed by setting the house on fire and watching it burn to the ground. This had a profound effect on the doctor and when he got home his wife reminded him of the dinner plans that had been set, during the time up to the dinner he was silent and when his friend Randy asked him about work he mention a girl who had been kidnapped. To which Randy replied “Oh, Boy! Was she tied up and gagged and helpless?” Dr. Long then replies “No. She was six. Her abductor killed her, butchered her and fed her to his German Shepherds” (Chapter 6; pg. 27). After that they called the dinner early and Malcolm’s wife left for the night, Dr. Long seemed a mere shadow of his former happy cheerful self and yet Rorschach is still the deeply disturbed murderous vigilante of “justice”.

3. Though Dr. Manhattan is generally incapable of having basic human emotions he wishes he could have lived out his life as just regular Jon Osterman. Before Dr. Manhattan’s self-imposed exile to Mars he teleports to Arizona to recover an old photo of himself Jon Osterman pre-Dr. Manhattan incarnation with his old love Janey Slater; obviously by the act of specifically picking up the photo before leaving shows the photo has some significance to him. Another reason he would want to return things to how they used to be is because of all the accusations he received of giving those close to him incurable types of cancer from the radiation he emits. This claim has an interesting dichotomy to it though that because he’s such a powerful being now it’s conceivable to believe that he could return thing to the way they were. But Jon sees time from a completely different perspective and to him what has, is, or will happen is all indivisibly one. Ultimately though if he did not have the accident he would have married Janey Slater and stayed with her for his natural-born life, but with the new body and new perspective acquired from his experience he is not as attached to emotions like love and instead is more prone to just physical attractiveness hence the reason he left Janey after she began to show signs of aging while he stayed the same. This claim has interesting paradoxes and certainly can be seen from different perspectives but if Dr. Manhattan could have avoided his accident he would have been more content living his natural-born life.

4. Life as Dr. Manhattan has no meaning, because he can see past space and time. The main
point of a physical existence is the ability to improve and gain information and learn from experiences. Dr. Manhattan knows all and can see all the experiences he will or has had. “Everything is preordained even my responses.” Jon says, “And you just go through the motions acting them out? Is that what you are? The most powerful thing in the universe and you’re just a puppet following a script?” Laurie asks to which Jon replies with “We’re all puppets, Laurie. I’m just a puppet who can see the strings” (Chapter 9; Pg. 5). How does one learn and grow from experience when the information has already been gained? That is the conundrum of the life of Jon Osterman, we are all infinitely conscience beings but everyone except Jon is restricted by the space-time continuum. When we get to that point of being, which is beyond the normal physical reality there is no need for the body as a vehicle of experience which is the reason our body fails and dies. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot not be created or destroyed. This means when our body dies the life energy that we call personality must go somewhere, thus the immortality of life. Jon is of that higher consciousness and yet is still tied to the physical reality vibrational fields, which makes his life a hell of sorts. Where he relates with no one and everyone looks to him to solve their problems even though through the paradigm that he sees life he cannot stop the preordained prophecy of what has, is, or will happen; making his existence in this reality pointless.

5. Rorschach is the most optimistic character in the Watchmen graphic novel. Superficially
Rorschach can easily been seen as the darkest most doom and gloom character of the novel, but when you dig past the exterior this claim begins to make more sense. On the outside Rorschach is callous and morbid because he is a reflection of the world around him, his mother was a prostitute who was far from the ideal mother, he was constantly picked on as a child by other kids and not to mention pushed around by his mother’s “clients”. He had no true father figure other than the idealized version he made up in his head. Then looking at his career he’s constantly surrounding himself and investigating murderers, rapists, and similar folk. But the reality is that these things are going on, whether you turn a blind eye to it or not, certainly it takes a unique type of person to be willing to aggressively combat such evils in the manner he chooses. Even though most people wouldn’t take it upon themselves to kill the man who kidnapped the six-year-old girl, it’s hard to completely condemn his actions, karma’s a bitch and Rorschach happens to be the one willing to go up and deliver such karma. Just because he does not have a stupid smile painted on his face everywhere he goes and constantly talking about how great the world is doesn’t show he’s a morbid downer. It shows that he’s awake; he deals with the real world and has a moral standard that the world around does not match. He tells you what he thinks then puts it into action but still believes that it can change; it’s only a choice as is evident by his journal log after The Comedians funeral when he says “Nothing is insoluble. Nothing is hopeless. Not while there’s life” (Chapter 2; pg. 25). Rorschach’s optimism is in knowing things can change, where the morbidity comes in is putting that change into practice and doing away with those of whom continue to violate other’s basic human rights.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Together We Stand; Divide We Fall

Issue: Centralization of Banks

Importance: The importance of this issue is this will be next necessary step in the centralization of all power and decision making. To the eventual formation of a global government with laws enforced by the global police much in the vein of George Orwell’s 1948 “fictitious” novel 1984. The powers manipulating this centralization come from all over the map and seemingly very different backgrounds from economists and bankers, to within the last month the Vatican calling for a world central bank. On the surface it’s strange that the Vatican would be making statements as such until we dig past the exterior and see these “religious leaders” have a bank of their own and their chairman is from the Zionist Rothschild family. Jeez, that’s almost as bizarre as the “Jewish” Rothschild family, and Prescott Bush, George W.’s Grandfather and chairman at the time of the privately owned Federal Reserve, funding Adolf Hitler and his persecution of the Jews. When the veil is pulled back the reality is that the Vatican manipulates the Catholic religion with Jesuit leaders who control behind the scenes; Zionism is completely different from Judaism, the Bush family couldn’t care less about the American people since they’re agents for these other entities; and all of them among others work together, as one to further a global fascist agenda.

Before these banks do finalize their centralization they must have an event that causes enough outcries from the people to justify such a radical solution. David Icke has coined this technique as Problem-Reaction-Solution; they covertly create the problem they know will get a massive reaction from the people to which they then introduce the policy or solution they had in mind all along. We’ve seen this countless times with invading Iraq because of their “weapons of mass destruction” materials for which we had sold them. 9/11, Pearl Harbor, Oklahoma City bombing among countless other Problem-Reaction-Solution scenarios, and how often do you hear someone say they would give away their civil liberties for “protection” against the big bad terrorists (the most dangerous of which happen to be our “leaders” and their “advisors”).

As the motto of the 33rd Degree Scottish Freemason’s goes “Ordo ab Chao” which translates to order out of chaos. This future situation will be that the global economy will completely fail namely the US dollar and the EURO. Their solution, so we never have to fear such an economic crash again will be a single central bank and a single automated form of money. As if our money wasn’t worthless enough already given that it is backed by, wait for it….NOTHING! There won’t even be a physical manifestation for this fake money anymore, banks that are already legally allowed to loan out ten times the amount they actually have will then become limitless in how much they can lend. Given that all they would have to do in the case of a bank run would be type numbers into a computer and transfer it to the automated computer chip implanted in their slaves, I mean “clients”, those to whom in theory they provide a service. This is all a horribly sick joke, like pushing a paraplegic down a flight of stairs or asking a mentally challenged person to spell “Dimethyltryptamine”. The deck is stacked in their favor, they own public perception or as we call it the mass media and they either defame the person exposing them by calling them a “conspiracy theorist” or just outright kill that person and call it suicide, or blame Lee Harvey Oswald. To quote one Mr. John Judge “I will call myself a conspiracy theorist if you call yourself a coincidence theorist.”

This issue is absolutely important enough the government should address it, the conundrum is that it’s the basic structure of the government that is the problem. When my dog makes a mess out of the trash can, I don’t tell him to clean it up and turn my back expecting him to comply. Instead, I take it upon myself to clean up his mess; thus is the plight of not only our country but the entire human race. These politicians create the problems then we expect the same people to fix them, of course after we give them a few trillion dollars in taxes. We need to take back the power; away from these global tyrants, the answer isn’t voting for Mitt Romney, or Barack Obama’s “change” and certainly not Newt Gingrich who would just be George Bush part six (Reagan’s terms, 2, George H.W.’s term, 3, and George W.’s terms, 5). Ron Paul would be the only one close, but he doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell and he would be murdered by “Lee Harvey Wilkes Booth” about 33 days into his fantasy presidency.

No, the answer is not in this manipulated illusory world of “political choice” the answer lies in a mass uprising of non-violent non-compliance. For the people in mass numbers to stop leaving their foreclosed houses to stop paying their taxes, because there is no law saying they must. Stop giving millions away to these Super-Pacs to get your puppet of choice into the oval office, instead using that money to feed and clothe the millions all over the world who go without. Stop watching the idiot box and read a damn book. Stop letting these evil people draw lines between us and pull out the individual droplets and look at the entire ocean of consciousness that we are. We outnumber these manipulators at the very least 10,000 to 1 and when we realize and decide we will no longer be their lab mice in their fucked up experiment, become the catalyst for an altruistic revolution of love and peace, we can then return our civilization to everything it always should have been which would resemble what some might call “Heaven”. This is not difficult, as we have been led to believe, it is a simple choice, right here, right now; no job, no savings of money, no effort, only a choice and commitment to either fear or love. The eyes of fear make you want to go out buy guns and big locks for your doors and shut yourself off from the ocean of infinite conscience, the eyes of love instead see us all as one. The future of us our children, grandchildren, and later generations does not rely on us paying back this illusory mathematical equation we call “National Debt” as the media so loves to tout, the future relies on this choice and commitment. We live in a time of extraordinary change the likes of which our planet has not seen since the great flood; the ocean of consciousness that we are will decide the ultimate out-come not the little paddle boat of “authorities”.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Should We Care About Foreign Workers?

What advantages are there to moving manufacturing to another nation, usually one that is poorer with large populations?

The obvious advantage of moving the manufacturing to foreign countries such as China is the cheap labor. But another aspect I think gets overlooked is the out-of-sight out-of-mind ideology that’s so prevalent in this country; this is the Not In My Back Yard mindset you have mentioned gone awry. Because these factories are half way around the world and are supplying us with our new messiah the iPhone, people praise and get all misty eyed over someone like Steve Jobs, especially since his passing, regaling with stories of how he was fired and saying he’s such a good example of what hard-work can get you in this country. Then he turns his back and uses people who work harder than he ever worked to become filthy stinking rich, and a good portion of those people he’s using are under 15 years old! Think of all the jobs he could have kept here if he was just willing to part with a few of his millions to pay an honest wage for an honest day worked. Oh but if these CEO’s did that however would they keep filling up their private jets, and what would become of their private island, those don’t just vacation on themselves.

What did you notice as to how these workers are treated?

It goes without saying that the way these people are treated and the thing demanded of them are appalling. Foxconn released a report saying that their suicide rates are lower than the average of
most occupations, but the last time I went to my dad’s office I didn’t see any nets around the buildings perimeter, I suspect a hint of embellishment on Foxconn “research data”. When asked about the working conditions and Foxconn’s treatment of their “workers” Steve Jobs responded “Foxconn is not a sweatshop; you go to this place and it’s a factory, but my gosh they got restaurants, movie theatres, hospitals, and swimming pools…for a factory it’s a pretty nice
factory.” What Mr. Jobs failed to mention is that they also have living arraignments, and the whole reason they provide all these things is because these indentured servants are never
intended to leave these facilities. They do not go home to their families they live like cattle, and these businesses stand for nothing but elitism and keeping the little people in their place which is

Would American workers stand for this type of treatment? Be specific in your statement.

Simply put, no. Nor should we, with that said we shouldn’t stand for other people being subjected to this kind of treatment either, it spits in the face of human and workers’ rights. But that’s why these companies left the United States long ago, hah why would I pay for health benefits, pay into a 401K, give maternity leave, or any of these other perks to these little worker ants when I can line my pockets with that money. Besides here in America we don’t even want the jobs like building houses and picking fields, why would we want a job where we work 12-hour shifts at like $.86 an hour and at the end of the day go to allotted living quarter around people we don’t know and have no outside life, please we’re too occupied with trying to be the next American Idol or watching Joey Chestnut gobble down 70 hotdogs in 10 minutes while children all over the world starve.

If the USA is the standard to the world of decency, democracy, doing the right thing, should we stand by and accept that these types of conditions exist? Should we demand more from these corporations making billions of dollars on cheap labor? What are the negatives of American consumers demanding that our businesses reflect our values? Are we willing to literally "pay the price?"

Absolutely I believe we should, but the question I have is are we actually the standard of decency, democracy, blah blah blah or do we just like to say that when it’s convenient? When our “values” come between us and getting the latest form of electromagnetic pollution or technology as we usually call it, we have no problem looking the other way, but then someone calls us out on it we get all upset and patriotic and talk of our country’s superiority. How about we ask the people we bombed in Libya of American decency, we are fighting a “war on terror” by going in and terrorizing other people. The flag of hypocrisy reigns supreme for our country and truthfully most “1st world” countries like Britain, among others. The main negative for us actually living up to our word of being a “global leader of decency” is that the prices of our stuff would likely go up, which no one would be happy about. But our money is a farce, it is printed by the Federal reserve which is a privately owned for profit organization. It is not backed by gold or any precious metals it is literally worth what they tell us it is worth, and when they print this “money” they charge an interest rate it is a debt and is utterly worthless. But through their programming of us with their television, facebook, among other brainwashing technique we would run over our own mother for a ten dollar bill. Truly it’s pathetic; these elite at the top are having themselves a jolly-good laugh watching us worship their worthless green paper.