Friday, July 27, 2012

The National Security Strategy of the United States, 2002

The White House officially released this document on September 20th, 2002 just over a year after the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. In September of 2000, a “Neoconservative” American organization named the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) released documents entitled Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategies, Forces, and Resources for a New Century this documents main points consisted of US Military control of the Gulf region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power. PNAC’s document also warned of the “dangerous” regimes in North Korea, Libya, Syria and Iran (3 of 4 we have bombed in the last year) this group called for our country to “fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars” as a “core mission.” This “American grand strategy” was to be advanced “as far into the future as possible.” Their documents concluded that this “process of transformation” was likely to be a long one...”absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor.” Some prominent members of PNAC include founders Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, and Lewis “Scooter” Libby. David Frum another person closely connected to PNAC wrote George W. Bush’s January 2002 State of the Union Address in which he dubbed Iran, Iraq, and North Korea the “Axis of Evil.”
The 2002 NSS contained much of the same type of material; using an Orwellian language to cacophemize the so-called “Muslim extremists” while simultaneously justifying violent overthrows and tyranny. It comes as little surprise that this document calls for pre-emptive military strikes among other policies which reflect the work of the Department of Defense 1992 work titled “Defense Policy Guidance” prepared by PNAC member Paul Wolfowitz and convicted-felon “Scooter” Libby who were working under Dick Cheney in the Department of Defense.  Both Libby and Wolfowitz also went on to become George W. Bush’s cabinet members, and of course Cheney was Vice-President according to their official titles.    
What a grand coincidence that three September in a row would mark this powerful group calling for “a new Pearl Harbor”, the next year that cataclysmic event happens then the third year their unofficial declaration of war and they have the nerve to spend a whole chapter patronizing “American exceptionalism” and “freedom, democracy” with millions of dead brown people in their wake. These are just a few examples of the laundry list of connections, anomalies, and other suspicious events that happened on that day. But the fact that they used 9/11 to justify invading Iraq murdering hundreds of thousands shows that at the very least these people exploit terrorist attacks and massacres to further an agenda that was long set in stone, as simple as Problem-Reaction-Solution.
                                                                                                                                             Today, Barack Obama is signing the U.N. Small Arms Treaty that will ban semi-automatic guns and make all guns have to be registered in a national database. Of course, what gun did alleged “Batman” killer brandish; a semi-auto. 6-miles from where the legendary “Columbine” shooting and just another few miles outside of the military industrial complex; where the hell else would you get tear gas from? Multiple witnesses have reported teargas coming from all directions, someone opening the backdoor for letting him in, and some have even said there were multiple shooters. The FBI themselves released a report on May 17, 2012 that there would be “increased terror threat” this summer at movie theatres and malls. By the way, did you see James Holmes at his arraignment, the guy looked so drugged out of his eyelids weighed 10,000 pounds! Of course the most damning bit of evidence that this was “false flag” terror…Barack Obama and Eric Holder already got busted once with Operation “Fast & Furious” killing somewhere in the neighborhood of 5,000 people by giving Mexican drug cartels fully automatic guns and letting them run amok. They’re talking about the death penalty for James Holmes; what do we do with Eric Holder, Dick Cheney, Barack Obama, George H. Bush, Hillary Clinton, etc. etc?      

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