Through 2012 into the summer there has been an onslaught of
big news stories; after an adventurous Primary Election season, and as our country
goes through a Presidential Campaign cycle again, there’s an increasing sense
of civil unrest. In last few months there was the Trayvon Martin mainstream
media circus and so-called “Batman Massacre” and even more recently the Sikh
massacre have filled-up countless hours on cable News channels. But, when
whistle-blowers within the ATF start speaking out about the “Fast & Furious”
gun-running operation the silence from all major media outlets becomes deafening.
In 2009, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and
Explosives (ATF) supervised by the Justice Department began this “Fast &
Furious” operation of funneling fully-automatic assault rifles and other
extremely dangerous weapons to leaders of Mexican Drug Cartels [1]. According to the “official”
narrative, “Fast & Furious” was intended to build cases against leaders of
these Cartels by selling weapons to their middle men or “straw buyers”. These “straw
buyers” were given approval for an outlandish and illegal amount of firearms in
Arizona and other border states, a portion of which ended up in the hands of
these criminal enterprises.
Of course, on March 23rd, 2011 when reporter
Jorge Ramos questioned President Obama about this scandal the President immediately
and vehemently denied having any personal prior knowledge, and also denied any
implications that Attorney General Eric Holder had any knowledge or gave any
approval of the operation. But after a nervous minute of superlative-laced clichés
and dancing around the question Obama finally did admit “There may be a
situation here which a serious mistake was made and if that's the case then
we'll find out and we’ll hold somebody accountable [2].” As investigations have begun to uncover this
scandal the Justice Department has incrementally released documents to the
House Oversight Committee; with many of these documents and wiretaps it has
become apparent that the President lied to Mr. Ramos on that day. And Attorney
General Eric Holder would follow suit and lie as well on May 3rd,
2012 again claiming he didn’t approve of the operation and even going as far to
say he “probably only heard about Fast & Furious for the first time over
the last few weeks [3].”
Many of the supporters of the Obama administration in
Washington have called this investigation a “witch-hunt” and claim the
Committee is playing partisan politics and “lacks evidence.” Stealing a page
from the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four;
The President exercised “Executive Privilege” to lock up certain crucial e-mails
and documents then accuses the investigators of lacking evidence. Which is the
best example of George Orwell’s “Doublethink” since President Obama received a
Nobel “Peace” Prize after expanding and starting new wars.
This issue is more than just partisan politics; President
George W. Bush ran similar programs to “Fast & Furious” called “Operation Wide
Receiver” which by most counts is just as morally objectionable as “Fast &
Furious”, but also did not cause mass deaths and was done with Mexico’s full
knowledge and co-operation unlike “Fast & Furious. [4]” This needs to be addressed as a gross
overextension of the power of Federal Agencies, treason, and a massive threat
to National Security. Especially living in a border state like Texas, there’s
enough gun-crime and murder in Houston as it is…but hey, let’s give a couple
hundred fully automatic weapons to drug lords, great idea!
To date there have been at least hundreds if not thousands
killed by these weapons and as more of these illegal weapons are found so too
are more lifeless bodies. Yet, the majority of mainstream media outlets have
been quiet about this unfolding situation; then the “Batman massacre” happens
and the circus is out in full force and the overwhelming sentiment is “blame
the 2nd Amendment [5].”
Conveniently, Hillary Clinton had been
working diligently with the U.N. to pass the “Small Arm Trade Treaty” [6] which would crack down hard
on 2nd Amendment rights, most notably semi-automatic weapons. James
Holmes reportedly used a semi-automatic Assault Rifle in the horrific mass
murder of twelve innocent people, coincidence [7]? Then the Sikh massacre murders another seven
people just a few weeks later and the only consistent theme among all the
conflicting reports in both stories was the use of semi-automatic weapons by
the accused perpetrators [8].
Now to put these situations into perspective, between the “Batman massacre” and Sikh shooting nine-teen people died. At least hundreds of people both in Mexico and America have died because of this gun-running operation and many of the weapons are still at large, meaning more deaths to come.
media circuses associated to these publicized massacres gave Barack Obama the
platform to show a glimpse of his supreme audacity and “address the Nation” to
comment on how we may never know what would drive an individual to commit such
horrendous acts. Eric Holder even had the unconscionable arrogance to attend
the funeral service at the Sikh Temple making sure to smile and look nice for
the cameras, yet will never acknowledge the horrendous acts he took in
contributing to the death of border patrol agents like Brian A. Terry on
December 14th, 2010 [9];
among hundreds of other innocent people their operation murdered.
Mr. Holder’s hubris may very well be the Obama
Administrations down-fall though; Holder now holds the dubious honor of being
the first acting Attorney General to be held in contempt by a Congressional
Panel. After the Panel voted 23-17 in favor of contempt for withholding crucial
documents; Holder spouted off calling the move a “divisive action” that “does
nothing to make any of our law enforcement agencies safer.” Adding that “It’s
an election-year tactic intended to distract attention -- and, as a result --has
deflected critical resources from fulfilling what remains my top priority at
the Department of Justice: Protecting the American people [10].” All with straight-face;
Holder then slinked off to advise the “Commander-in-Chief” to exercise the
so-called “Executive Privilege” to cover the extent of their involvement from
being exposed.
These men are politicians after all and not to spoil the
worst-kept secret ever or anything, but they will say and do whatever is
immediately beneficial to themselves and their careers. So it really comes as
no surprise they jumped on these events to further their own agenda. Eric Holder
and Barack Obama throughout their careers have been strong proponents of
gun-control towards the general population. In 1995 Eric Holder was addressing
C-SPAN2 about gun awareness and control and would go as far as to say there
needed to be daily “Anit-gun”/“Anti-Violence” messages “and just really
brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way [11].”
Now, the purpose of this paper was not to rant against “Obama
trying to take our guns!!!” Personally I am not a big gun enthusiast, but I am
a freedom enthusiast and most importantly a Constitutionalist. Great thinkers like Thomas Jefferson, and Ben
Franklin thought it important enough to make it the 2nd Amendment
behind freedom of speech, assembly, and religion for good reason. Which is where my fundamental disagreement
with the Obama administration begins, his administration has clearly showed complete
contempt for the Constitution through a wide number of their policies and
Executive Orders and show no signs of slowing down. They seem to believe in
growing government and forcing their ideals upon the society and stifling dissent
through scare tactics. As Benjamin Franklin said though “He who sacrifices
freedom for security deserves neither”; that is the precipice the American
people stand on. We can continue to believe the scare tactics and brainwashing
as our civil liberties are slowly eroded into glorified slavery as they
continually murder innocent people, or we can demand that we see some justice
be served to these criminals and all their string-pullers lurking in the
shadows to avoid another family losing their loved one like Brian Terry, because
of their criminal deeds.
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