Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Interview with Sam Brannon of Fluoride-Free San Marcos

I conducted an interview with Sam Brannon of Fluoride-Free San Marcos on April 19th, 2016. This is the first interview in a series of interviews I plan on conducting for this research project on the new water fluoridation policy adopted by the City of San Marcos as a result of Proposition 1. The purpose of the interview was to obtain pertinent information in relation to my on-going public policy research which will be titled; "Fluorosis Neurosis: Describing the Attitudes of the citizens of San Marcos on Water Fluoridation." This research is scheduled to be completed at the end of the Spring 2017 semester after it undergoes an academic review by a panel of Texas State University professors.  

Sunday, January 10, 2016

It's Like That...

Deceived and dismayed
Looking for Truth in a maze
All alone again

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Port of Sport III: Jerry Sandusky Edition

Editor's Note: For anyone who may read this, I urge you to read the two previous posts for context; none of this will make sense without the first two installments.

                Jerry Sandusky was born on January 26th, 1944 in Washington, Pennsylvania. Jerry’s father Arthur Sandusky served as a youth program director at Brownson House in Washington, Pennsylvania for over 30 years. Arthur Sandusky was inducted into the Pennsylvania sports Hall of Fame in 1989.[1] Sandusky grew up and attended Washington High School where he was a standout athlete excelling in baseball, basketball, and football. He graduated from Washington in 1961 and went to Penn State where he started at defensive end from 1963-1965.[2] Sandusky became a graduate assistant for Joe Paterno in 1966; then bounced around to a few different schools with Juanita College in 1967 as a basketball coach and track coach; then Sandusky went to Boston University in 1968 as the Offensive Line Coach.
            Jerry Sandusky rejoined Joe Paterno in 1969 as the Defensive Line coach and would stay there until his retirement in 1999.[3] In 1977 Jerry Sandusky was promoted to Defensive Coordinator and would hold that same position until his retirement in 1999. It was also in 1977 that Sandusky founded his “charity” called The Second Mile which was supposedly designed to help under-privileged children. Specifically children (mostly boys) who came from broken homes, most often boys without father figures; Sandusky was widely praised in the media for his supposed helping children, including a special recognition from President George H.W. Bush as a “shining example” of charitable work in 1990.
Behind the scenes it was much less cheery than the unquestioning media would lead one to believe. It has now been widely acknowledged that the leadership of Penn State University including head coach Joe Paterno were aware of the investigation into Sandusky’s escapades in 1998. This led Penn State to essentially force Sandusky into retirement but was still awarded with “"both an unusual compensation package and a special designation of 'emeritus' rank that carried special privileges, including access to the university’s recreational facilities."[4] Sandusky had an office on campus, his face on a mural, his autobiography “Touched: The Jerry Sandusky Story” in the schools book store, and keys to access the same locker rooms and showers where he was eventually convicted of raping children until the whole story blew wide open in 2011.
The question that must be asked is obvious and unfortunately to this day remains shrouded in layers of an immense cover-up. The question is how did Jerry Sandusky get away with these crimes for such a prolonged period of time? Well, Joe Paterno’s dead; Graham Spanier who was the President of Penn State was not indicted and actually landed a comfy job as an advisor for a top-secret project for the U.S. Government relating to national security; according to his lawyer.[5] So really any conclusion we might be able to come up with would be speculation. However, what is not speculation is pointing out connections between Sandusky and some very powerful people.
In 1988, Jerry Sandusky gave a nominating speech for George H. W. Bush at the Republican National Convention. At that same Convention there was a man named Lawrence E. King who sang the National Anthem. Lawrence King in a few short months would find himself as the key figure in a Congressional Investigation led by Senator John DeCamp concerning King’s laundering of money as the General Manager of a Credit Union in Omaha, Nebraska.[6] DeCamp quickly found that the money was just the tip of the iceberg concerning King’s escapades; when DeCamp dug into it he found King was connected to a town called Boy’s Town and all of the sudden had multiple children coming to him saying they had been taken by King to Washington D.C. multiple times and had taken midnight “tours” of the White House and were involved in depraved sex parties among other horrific things.[7] It just so happens the Washington Times reported on the front page of their June 29th, 1989 newspaper that there was evidence of a homosexual prostitution ring which was being given late night access to the White House.[8]  
The next year Lawrence King was sent to prison, for money laundering; and President George H. W. Bush was publicly praising The Second Mile as a “shining example of charitable work.” In 2001, after Sandusky’s retirement he wrote his autobiography; in the book he specifically addressed the recognition from George H. W. Bush by saying “It’s about time George! This is long overdue.” [9] After Sandusky had finally been brought to justice in 2011, his Second Mile Foundation transferred all of their $2.6 million in assets to an organization called the Arrow Child & Family Ministries in Spring, Texas. At the time of this assets transfer; two of the directors for the Arrow Child & Family Ministries were Maria Bush the daughter-in-law of George H. W. Bush, and Susie Peake who had worked for George H. W. Bush in various capacities for over 10 years.[10]
Another very strange thing to point out is that the District Attorney in Centre County, Pennsylvania (which oversees the Happy Valley area) who would have been the person in charge of bringing Jerry Sandusky to justice, Ray Gicar, just happened to go missing without a trace on April 15th, 2005. Months later on August 2nd, 2005 Gicar’s county issued laptop was found by fishermen in the Susquehanna River; the laptop was conspicuously missing its hard drive.[11] Gicar was pronounced legally dead July 25th, 2011 just a few months before the Sandusky story was finally disclosed to the public after literally decades of cover-up and lies. Undoubtedly, there is much more to know about the whole situation that was blamed on Sandusky and made to look like one rotten apple instead of exposing the whole rotten bunch.


Arrow Child and Family Ministries. (2014). Guidestar Premium Report. Houston: Guidestar. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from http://www.guidestar.org/ViewPdf.aspx?PdfSource=0&ein=74-2622426
Begos, K. (2011, November 12). Penn State Scandal: Sandusky Had Access To Vulnerable Kids Via Charity. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/11/12/penn-state-scandal-sandusky_n_1090203.html
Belson, K. (2012, July 12). Abuse Scandal Inquiry Damns Paterno and Penn State. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/13/sports/ncaafootball/13pennstate.html?_r=3&hp&
DeCamp, J. (2011). The Franklin Cover-Up. Chicago, Illinois, United States of America: Adventure Works Press. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from http://educate-yourself.org/cn/franklincoverupexcerpt.shtml
Ganm, S. (2011, March 31). Jerry Sandusky, former Penn State football staffer, subject of grand jury investigation. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from The Patriot-News: http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2011/03/jerry_sandusky_former_penn_sta.html
Heil, E. (2012, July 27). Graham Spanier’s gig as a federal worker is a mystery. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/in-the-loop/post/graham-spaniers-gig-as-a-federal-worker-is-a-mystery/2012/07/26/gJQAbAx5BX_blog.html
Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame. (2009). ARTHUR SANDUSKY. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from Waskington-Greene Chapter: http://www.webcitation.org/63Oz1EtFK
Rodriguez, P., & Archibald, G. (1989, June 29). Homosexual Prostitution Inquiry Ensnares VIPS with Reagan, Bush. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from New York Times: http://educate-yourself.org/tg/franklincoverupexcerptwashtimesphoto.shtml
Veira, M. (2011, November 7). A Reputation Lies in Tatters. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/08/sports/ncaafootball/jerry-sandusky-was-long-admired-at-penn-state.html#
Ward, P. (2005, August 2). Missing DA's Laptop Found. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from Pittsburgh Post Gazette: http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=iZYNAAAAIBAJ&sjid=8XADAAAAIBAJ&pg=5334,210533&dq=ray+gricar+laptop&hl=en
Yorkshire Television. (1990). Conspiracy Of Silence. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from The Franklin Scandal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtstlx96s8M

[1] Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame, 2009
[2] Veira, 2011
[3] Ganm, 2011
[4] Belson, 2012
[5] Heil, 2012
[6] Yorkshire Television, 1990
[7] DeCamp, 2011
[8] Rodriguez & Archibald, 1989
[9] Begos, 2011
[10] Arrow Child and Family Ministries, 2014
[11] Ward, 2005

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Port of Spore: Part II

            In my first paper I defined sport in a way that is sure to raise some eyebrows and ruffle a few feathers. Yet from a logical standpoint my definition is firmly rooted in deductive reasoning by use of etymology; and as a reminder my definition of sport was and still is that sports are ritual offerings to the female fertility goddess Gaia Spore of the ancient Roman societies.[1] In this paper I will explain these rituals in greater detail which will lead me to point out the real underlying ethical issue I have with sports.
            Ethical issues in sports can take many shapes and forms; usually one would think of ethical issues that actually take place during the practice of the sport such as the ethics of using performance enhancing drugs, or betting on sports. My ethical issue with sports can be seen in isolation of sports and is not necessarily tied to the practice of these sports. Also this issue is much grander than sports in general and also ties into other social structures like religion and politics. But as I will demonstrate sports in our modern society is extremely closely tied to my ethical issue and fundamental to the continuance of this reprehensible issue.
            The issue at hand follows logically from the definition set forth in the first paper that is; sports of all kinds are sex magic rituals, which is why just about every sport under the sun has some form of pole and ball(s). Just to be clear though I have no issue with full-grown consenting adults partaking of sex magic rituals, I believe they should be informed of the nature of their sport of choice but that is an educational issue and not an ethical issue. The ethical issue here is that these sex magic rituals always incorporated children into the ritual, 100% of the time. As a matter of fact, sex with children is intimately intertwined with the entire myth of Gaia Spore.
          According to the myths it was Gaia who gave a virgin birth to her first child Uranus, Gaia then had sex with her first born child to give birth to the Titans; which of course is a myth specifically designed to incorporate and glorify pedophilia.[2] The last born of the Titans was Cronus who is the personification of Saturn. Cronus was the orneriest of the children of Uranus and Gaia and eventually overthrew his father Uranus by castrating then murdering him with the scythe.[3] Again, we see why Nike uses the symbol of the slash to symbolize the ritual castration and murder associated with Cronus who is linked to Nike and thus the link to sports rituals.  But Cronus did not stop with just murdering his father Uranus, he was also highly insecure about bearing children because he saw it as a threat to his power, so Cronus ate his children upon birth. This myth served to glorify ritual sacrifice of “young virgins” which of course is the politically correct way to say the sacrifice of children.
          But by now you’re likely wondering how does any of this have to do with sport, where is the connection between sports and Cronus? We will use football again, specifically the National Football League (NFL) to draw these connections. The whole practice of football is designed to mirror the virgin birth of Uranus; each play the center snaps the ball to the quarterback and thus it is a live ball situation, or the ball is alive. That is why the quarterback lines-up right behind the center in a position that looks an awful lot like the “doggy-style” sexual position. The quarterback then makes his calls at the line using words and terms that mean nothing to the average person, symbolizing the sex magic incantation before initiation of the ritual. The quarterback then sticks his hands between the legs of the center as he gives birth to the live ball situation. When the referee blows the whistle the play is over and they say it is a dead ball situation. In football any given play usually last between five to twenty seconds, and remember it symbolizes the birth of a child; therefore each play is symbolic of Cronus eating his children within moments of their birth, because of course after Cronus ate his children they were dead, just like the ball.
          In the last paper I mentioned that the Super Bowl Half-Time Show is a hot spot for driving home these sex magic rituals to the subconscious mind; and I gave examples of Janet Jackson’s boob, the Red Hot Chili Peppers singing their hit single “Give It Away” off their album “Blood Sugar Sex Magik”[4] and really I could go on and on. But now it is important to show how they incorporate children into these rituals and not only children but the themes of death and children.
At the 2013 Super Bowl before Jennifer Hudson sang the National Anthem, the NFL decided it was in good taste to parade survivors of the Sandy Hook school shooting out to sing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” (which for anyone familiar with mind-control techniques would know that song selection was not by chance, but I digress). The death and children themes really could not be any more obvious; and of course to top it all off the graphic shown on the screen to identify the children said “Sandy Hook School Chorus” (see ex. 1), interesting that they chose the word chorus instead of choir. They chose the word chorus because it encodes both the name Horus and Cronus; Horus is the same personification as Cronus just from the earlier Egyptian society; like Cronus, Horus murdered his father Osiris to take the throne, and had sex with his mother Isis (where have I heard that name recently?). It is also worth noting that the term chorus has its’ origins as a term used in Greek tragedies for those who commented on the action of the play.[5]
Example 1
          As a furtherlink between death, sex, and children at the Super Bowl, I have to ask who were the teams that played in Super Bowl XLVII (of course they use Roman numerals)? Oh, it was the San Francisco 49ers against the Baltimore Ravens[6]; well let’s think about this, San Francisco is widely regarded as the gay capitol of the world, and remember the term gay comes from the same root word as game, guy, and sport. Then the Raven is almost always associated with death, because they tend to gather on battlefields to feast upon the dead. Many Christians believe a Raven to be a symbol of Satan[7], jeez what a coincidence the term Satan (pronounced in Latin Sat-han) comes from the same root word as Saturn whom Cronus personifies. (For those who doubt this connection between the Raven and Cronus/Saturn, I reference this Old Spice Swagger commercial featuring the most famous Raven of them all and a man who himself was once accused of murder[8], Ray(ven) Lewis.)[9]
            The final and most damning evidence I will provide for this unethical link between children, sex magic, and death is really the worst kept secret in the NFL. That secret is that every year, without exception, the Super Bowl weekend is the biggest human sex trafficking weekend of the year. So much so that in 2011 when the Super Bowl was to be played in Dallas, Texas; it prompted then-Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott to comment that “The Super Bowl is the greatest show on Earth, but it also has an ugly underbelly, it's commonly known as the single largest human trafficking incident in the United States.”[10] I agree with that sentiment, but would add that the Super Bowl is the greatest magik show on Earth, as in sex magik. Throughout the rest of the article Abbott tries to explain away the link as simply a large influx of people, mostly men, looking for sex; and that can explain part of it but Abbott fails to address the elephant in the room being that massive sporting events like the Super Bowl and sex magic are two peas in a pod.  
          Hundreds of thousands of children go missing without a trace and to never be found again, every year in the United States.[11] I would suggest very strongly that many of them end up at the Super Bowl which is fitting given that those who win the Super Bowl are always asked the same question: “(Name here), you just won the Super Bowl! What are you going to do next?” To which they answer: “I’m going to Disneyworld!” Disney being one of the greatest sorcerers concerning the themes of sex magik and children (see ex. 2); which leads me to ask the question “Young child, you were just kidnapped and sold into sex slavery, what are you going to do next?” Unfortunately many of those children would answer ironically with “I’m going to the Super Bowl...”.
Example 2
            In the ancient Roman times it was well known among the ruling class that they only needed to provide two things to the masses to keep them under control; those two provisions were bread, and circus.[12] Meaning, if you feed them and entertain them, they will go along with anything; and those tactics are still being used today just in a more high-tech sophisticated manner. However, the rituals and sacrifices pretty much stay the same, it is just they do not explicitly tell you or educate you on these practices so as to hide their deeds in plain sight.
            With the next and final installment of what I have dubbed the “Port of Spore Trilogy” I will introduce a nefarious character by the name of Jerry Sandusky. In this next installment, I will provide links between Mr. Sandusky and some of the most prominent men and organizations over the last century in American society to prove that sex magik is fundamental in the practice of sport and the overarching power structure of modern society; which will further imply why sports, football especially, have been promoted as symbols of manliness, and why so much of the world society will literally go to their place of worship to pray for their sports team. In the meantime, I will be praying for humanity to awaken from their sports induced coma to see what is hidden in plain sight. I love a good sporting event as much as the next person; but at what cost?  


Delcayre, C. (2009, June 30). The Greek Chorus Dynamic in Anicent and Contemporary Theatre. Retrieved October 13, 2014, from http://www.sonoma.edu/theatreanddance/_docs/badpenny_chorus.pdf
Goldberg, E. (2013, February 3). Super Bowl Is Single Largest Human Trafficking Incident In U.S.: Attorney General. Retrieved October 13, 2014, from Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/03/super-bowl-sex-trafficking_n_2607871.html
Greek-Gods.Info. (2005). Uranus, the First Ruler of the Universe. Retrieved October 13, 2014, from Gods & Goddess of Ancient Greece: http://www.greek-gods.info/titans/uranus/
Huey, S. (1998). Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magik. Retrieved October 13, 2014, from ALLMUSIC: http://www.allmusic.com/album/blood-sugar-sex-magik-mw0000265082/similar
Leadbetter, R. (1999, December 5). Uranus. Retrieved October 13, 2014, from Encyclopedia Mythica: http://www.pantheon.org/articles/u/uranus.html
Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (2014). Bread and Circuses. Retrieved October 13, 2014, from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bread+and+circuses
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. (2014). Key Facts. Retrieved October 13, 2014, from http://www.missingkids.com/KeyFacts
NFL.com. (2013, February 3). Super Bowl XVLII. Retrieved October 13, 2014, from http://www.nfl.com/superbowl/47
Old Spice Swagger. (2010, September 9). Old Spice Swagger Ray Lewis. Retrieved October 13, 2014, from Bestads.tv: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYBz2befSfY
Schrotenboer, B. (2013, June 18). Slayings not forgotten, Ray Lewis not forgiven. Retrieved October 13, 2014, from USA Today: http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/2013/01/10/ray-lewis-baltimore-ravens-atlanta-murder-2000/1566198/
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Smith, W. (2000). A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Retrieved October 13, 2014, from Perseus Digital Library: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/text?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.04.0104%3Aalphabetic+letter%3DG%3Aentry+group%3D1%3Aentry%3Dgaea-bio-1

[1] Smith W. (2000). Perseus Digital Library
[2] Leadbetter, R. (1999). Encyclopedia Mythica.
[3] Greek-Gods.Info (2005). Gods & Goddesses of Ancient Greece
[4] Huey, S. (1998). ALLMUSIC.
[5] Delcayre, C. (2009). The Greek Chorus Dynamics in Ancient and Contemporary Theatre.
[6] NFL.com (2013). Super Bowl XLVII.
[7] Signology.org (2014). Raven Symbol
[8] Schrotenboer, B. (2013). USA Today Sports
[9] Old Spice Swagger. (2010). Bestads.tv
[10] Goldberg, E. (2013). Huffington Post
[11] National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. (2014). Key Facts.
[12] Merriam-Webster Dictionary. (2014). Bread & Circuses.