Monday, April 30, 2012

The Temptations

     The Temptations made for TV movie tells the story of an aspiring young group of singers who would go on to become one of the biggest acts of the MoTown era of music. Their music would go on to influence a range of other performers like Boyz II Men, I personally was awestruck by the infinite similarities of the Boyz II Men album I review earlier in the semester and the music of The Temptations. However I do feel less contempt towards The Temptations because at least they were among the earlier groups to do what they did; but at the same time I can’t say they are original given that all their music was written for them.
     This movie in general was well-done the actors were actually pretty good. I especially liked David Ruffin he reminds me of people I know and is definitely entertaining even if he was driving his other band mates insane.  It was also interesting because I knew David wasn’t going to make it through the whole movie, the only thing that surprised me was that he out-lived Paul by close to twenty years and almost out-lived Eddie and Blue. This movie took on a snuff-film like persona rather quickly towards the end with all the band mates dropping like flies except for Otis Smith who’s still alive today at the rightful age of 70.

     Overall this is a very-good movie; they did an excellent job of story-telling and throwing in humor mixed with tragedy. I would certainly recommend it to anyone who enjoys old school doo-whop music or is interested in history of the MoTown music movement. I would even recommend it for fans of modern acts like Usher or other soft-jams type music because they all have some kind of influence from The Temptations.      

Sunday, April 8, 2012

They Live: Movie or Metaphor?

They Live is a movie from 1988 directed by John Carpenter who worked with George Lucas on the Star Wars flicks. This film has immediately recognizable similarities to the world that we live in today. From financial crises, people living in tent cities to subliminal advertising on television and magazines this film seems more than just a work of entertainment.
The initial theme of the movie is of a man who lost his job due to the economy taking a turn for the worst, and finds safe haven in a tent city with some 50-100 other people. This parallel is painfully obvious in that true unemployment rates are in the range of 20-30% today. Tent cities are springing up in alarming numbers, especially in areas like Detroit and many other northeastern states.
Carpenter takes his metaphor another step further during the movie when the main character, John Nada, notices strange things happening at the church across from the tent city. Nada goes to investigate and finds they have been hacking through a broadcast frequency of the television station, to speak out against those who are controlling humanity. Now these ideas relate on multiple levels of our modern society; first television does broadcast frequency as do all electronic devices and has been shown in many studies to cause a change in human brainwaves similar to hypnosis. When in these states, people think less critically making them exponentially more suggestible and therefore easily manipulated. On a different level these broadcasts can be seen as metaphorical to TETRA Technologies that have come out since 2006. TETRA masts broadcast frequencies of 17.6Hz which is above the frequency of the human brain and can cause mass disharmonization of our natural energy fields, affect thought and sleep patterns and can cause horrible diseases. In England, there has been a breakout of esophagus cancer among police officers and other emergency workers whom are required to keep these systems on their chests at all times. In the movie when they first bust through the broadcast frequency a little girl cries out “Mommy, its giving me a headache”, which is another affect these broadcast frequencies can have on our bodies.
All along while these operations were going on at the church helicopters were flying over-head, tracking activity in and out of the church. This eventually culminates in the police ransacking the tent city and the accompanying church to stifle their operation and snuff out the dissidents. Just another obvious metaphor comparable to the exploding police state we are seeing worldwide. President Obama signing the National Defense Authorization Act giving officers the right to arrest anyone without charging them of a crime under the infinite umbrella of “suspected terrorist”. There are videos all over YouTube of police brutality; whether it is throwing a man on a hover round being thrown on the ground for apprehension or an 84-year old woman and a pregnant woman at occupy Seattle protests being pepper sprayed. These are just a few examples of how the global police state is growing by the day.
After the police raid, there was one secret room they did not find during their tirade through the small chapel. In the room was a box of glasses that the resistance operation made during their attempt to speak out against the imposed suppressive tyranny. Nada seemed disappointed when he found the box and took a pair then left the rest in a trash can. He walks down a busy street and decides to try on the glasses. John looks at a billboard that normally says “Come to the…Caribbean” but through the glasses it’s just a plain board that says “MARRY AND REPRODUCE” then goes to a street vendor and looks through magazine which through the glasses say things like “CONSUME”, “SLEEP”, “OBEY”, “CONFORM”, etc. Nada then sees the vendor with a wad of money in his hands and on the money it says “THIS IS YOUR GOD”.
The most basic allegory this implies is the idea of subliminal messages in advertising, music, television, films, art, etc. Take this picture for example.
There is a massive subliminal message in this “piece of art”. But because it is below the threshold of general human awareness, it will not usually be consciously picked up on. However, our subconscious mind is a sponge for subliminal messages and similar mind-control stimulus. Thus images like this can influence us later on in the day or at a completely different time in our lives without us ever consciously understanding their origins. The subliminal message in this image starts between the first and second flower from roughly half way up the flower to the grass level which shapes the letter “S”; in between the second and third flowers to the direct right of the “S” the leaves point out on the third flower to create the letter “E”, then of course the third and fourth flowers form the letter “X” to create the subliminal message of “SEX”. And now what was once only picked up subconsciously is bold-faced staring directly at you; if you were ever to see this image again, your eyes like magnets will go directly to the subliminal message.
Description: C:\Users\Chunk\Pictures\stuff\Sex Plant.png
Disney is infamous for their subliminal messages in movies like The Lion King, Aladdin, The Little Mermaid, and their subliminal messages most certainly have continued up to today.
The sun glasses could also be seen as someone having a conscious awakening. Going from having no idea of the extent of control all around, to suddenly having an event in life that opens the eyes to see how the cage of tyranny is being built and we are its prisoners. For example, on the hypnotic sleep level it would seem to people that George W. Bush and Barack Obama could not be more different, and they certainly campaigned themselves as such. But then we look at what these people do while in office. As one of his first acts, Barack Obama extended Bush’s Patriot Act four years, which destroys our 4th Amendment rights. At the dead of night on New Year’s he signed the National Defense Authorization Act I mentioned earlier, which furthers the impositions of the Patriot Act. More recently Obama enacted the National Defense Resource Preparedness Act which allows him to enact Martial Law in times of “crisis” with no definition of the term. The point isn’t to rag on Barack Obama here, the point is he has no power; he does what he’s told and says what’s written for him. This is how he’s able to fill out his NCAA Tournament Brackets on ESPN, take 50+ golfing trips in a year, campaign, coach girls basketball leagues, meet every championship team in the four major sports, and party every Wednesday in the White House all while “running a country”. As portrayed in They Live similar conscious awakening is happening all over the world to all sorts of people and the façade is wearing thin. They are beginning to see things like the fact that both likely presidential candidates, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, are funded by big business wall street-types like Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, JPMorgan, etc.
The final metaphor and certainly most controversial takes the movie and possibly the world that we live in to a new level of amazement and seemingly ridiculous. The glasses give Nada, his friend Frank, and any others who wear them not only the ability to see subliminal messages and the scale to which those in control track and suppress humanity’s awareness from cradle to grave. It also gives them the ability to see that many of those in power, such as police, politicians, newsreader, the wealthy and presumably powerful, are not human but rather some kind of alien race. Now, take a breath...and consider any possible evidence for this claim. All over the ancient world there are stories of “Gods” descending from the sky, in South Africa the Zulu shamans call them the Chitahuri, the Aztecs worshipped a reptilian “god” called Quetzalcoatl, o=in the Sumerian Tablet, which almost all of the Bible is based off of, they give a detailed story of the Annunaki, this word literally translates to “those who came from heaven to Earth”. Then look in the Bible in Genesis Chapter 6 Verses 1-4 “When human beings began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of Gods saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose. Then the LORD said, “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty years. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of Gods went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.” Not to mention, there’s the story of Adam and Eve where a talking snake tempts the couple into bringing about the “fall of man”. And all over the world there are similar stories of these flying reptilian “Gods”. More food for thought comes in the form of what psychologists refer to as the R-complex in our brain or reptilian brain. This R-complex is fundamentally intertwined with our fight or flight response we get from the amygdala. In 1977 Carl Sagan the famous astronomer and natural science researcher looked in depth on the progressions of human consciousness in his book Dragons of Eden and noted massive leaps in consciousness that can be correlated to the times of these “Gods” arriving on Earth. These “Gods” we know gave the Mayans their advanced knowledge of astronomy that we are only now beginning to confirm and understand and gave the Egyptians and Mayans knowledge of pyramid building that are directly aligned with solar phenomena like solstices and equinoxes. Overall, in the movie these non-human entities controlling society are malevolent. Then taking an in-depth critical look at the state of the world today, whether one believes there are non-human species manipulating these events or not, it is certainly clear that the force of Love is not leading our world.
This movie, They Live, is a fantastic piece of dystopian society art. It has clear easily provable parallels to the plight of humanity today in 2012. Then if one is willing to go beyond the limits of what is propagated as possible by both science and religion; we possibly get a view into the true nature of this reality we are living, with how and to what ends it is being manipulated. As Mark Twain once wisely said “Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction is obliged to remain within one’s perception of possibilities. Truth is not”. When our perception is opened to infinity there are no limits to where information and truth will lead us.