Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Together We Stand; Divide We Fall

Issue: Centralization of Banks

Importance: The importance of this issue is this will be next necessary step in the centralization of all power and decision making. To the eventual formation of a global government with laws enforced by the global police much in the vein of George Orwell’s 1948 “fictitious” novel 1984. The powers manipulating this centralization come from all over the map and seemingly very different backgrounds from economists and bankers, to within the last month the Vatican calling for a world central bank. On the surface it’s strange that the Vatican would be making statements as such until we dig past the exterior and see these “religious leaders” have a bank of their own and their chairman is from the Zionist Rothschild family. Jeez, that’s almost as bizarre as the “Jewish” Rothschild family, and Prescott Bush, George W.’s Grandfather and chairman at the time of the privately owned Federal Reserve, funding Adolf Hitler and his persecution of the Jews. When the veil is pulled back the reality is that the Vatican manipulates the Catholic religion with Jesuit leaders who control behind the scenes; Zionism is completely different from Judaism, the Bush family couldn’t care less about the American people since they’re agents for these other entities; and all of them among others work together, as one to further a global fascist agenda.

Before these banks do finalize their centralization they must have an event that causes enough outcries from the people to justify such a radical solution. David Icke has coined this technique as Problem-Reaction-Solution; they covertly create the problem they know will get a massive reaction from the people to which they then introduce the policy or solution they had in mind all along. We’ve seen this countless times with invading Iraq because of their “weapons of mass destruction” materials for which we had sold them. 9/11, Pearl Harbor, Oklahoma City bombing among countless other Problem-Reaction-Solution scenarios, and how often do you hear someone say they would give away their civil liberties for “protection” against the big bad terrorists (the most dangerous of which happen to be our “leaders” and their “advisors”).

As the motto of the 33rd Degree Scottish Freemason’s goes “Ordo ab Chao” which translates to order out of chaos. This future situation will be that the global economy will completely fail namely the US dollar and the EURO. Their solution, so we never have to fear such an economic crash again will be a single central bank and a single automated form of money. As if our money wasn’t worthless enough already given that it is backed by, wait for it….NOTHING! There won’t even be a physical manifestation for this fake money anymore, banks that are already legally allowed to loan out ten times the amount they actually have will then become limitless in how much they can lend. Given that all they would have to do in the case of a bank run would be type numbers into a computer and transfer it to the automated computer chip implanted in their slaves, I mean “clients”, those to whom in theory they provide a service. This is all a horribly sick joke, like pushing a paraplegic down a flight of stairs or asking a mentally challenged person to spell “Dimethyltryptamine”. The deck is stacked in their favor, they own public perception or as we call it the mass media and they either defame the person exposing them by calling them a “conspiracy theorist” or just outright kill that person and call it suicide, or blame Lee Harvey Oswald. To quote one Mr. John Judge “I will call myself a conspiracy theorist if you call yourself a coincidence theorist.”

This issue is absolutely important enough the government should address it, the conundrum is that it’s the basic structure of the government that is the problem. When my dog makes a mess out of the trash can, I don’t tell him to clean it up and turn my back expecting him to comply. Instead, I take it upon myself to clean up his mess; thus is the plight of not only our country but the entire human race. These politicians create the problems then we expect the same people to fix them, of course after we give them a few trillion dollars in taxes. We need to take back the power; away from these global tyrants, the answer isn’t voting for Mitt Romney, or Barack Obama’s “change” and certainly not Newt Gingrich who would just be George Bush part six (Reagan’s terms, 2, George H.W.’s term, 3, and George W.’s terms, 5). Ron Paul would be the only one close, but he doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell and he would be murdered by “Lee Harvey Wilkes Booth” about 33 days into his fantasy presidency.

No, the answer is not in this manipulated illusory world of “political choice” the answer lies in a mass uprising of non-violent non-compliance. For the people in mass numbers to stop leaving their foreclosed houses to stop paying their taxes, because there is no law saying they must. Stop giving millions away to these Super-Pacs to get your puppet of choice into the oval office, instead using that money to feed and clothe the millions all over the world who go without. Stop watching the idiot box and read a damn book. Stop letting these evil people draw lines between us and pull out the individual droplets and look at the entire ocean of consciousness that we are. We outnumber these manipulators at the very least 10,000 to 1 and when we realize and decide we will no longer be their lab mice in their fucked up experiment, become the catalyst for an altruistic revolution of love and peace, we can then return our civilization to everything it always should have been which would resemble what some might call “Heaven”. This is not difficult, as we have been led to believe, it is a simple choice, right here, right now; no job, no savings of money, no effort, only a choice and commitment to either fear or love. The eyes of fear make you want to go out buy guns and big locks for your doors and shut yourself off from the ocean of infinite conscience, the eyes of love instead see us all as one. The future of us our children, grandchildren, and later generations does not rely on us paying back this illusory mathematical equation we call “National Debt” as the media so loves to tout, the future relies on this choice and commitment. We live in a time of extraordinary change the likes of which our planet has not seen since the great flood; the ocean of consciousness that we are will decide the ultimate out-come not the little paddle boat of “authorities”.

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