Friday, August 3, 2012

George W. Bush's 2005, Inaugural Address: Have We Learned Yet?

This speech given by George W. Bush is yet another shining example of how much of a joke our Presidential Elections have become. Decision 2004 came down to George W. Bush and John Kerry; both men attended Yale University and were members of the Skull & Bones Society. Both intended to continue imperialism throughout the World, most notably places like Iraq and Afghanistan where the “Bush Administration” spearheaded by Dick Cheney and his corporate goons committed unspeakable crimes against humanity. The could-have-been “Kerry Administration” would have done precisely the same. This situation worked out in the end of course for the Democratic Party because if George W. Bush wouldn’t have resided as President through 2008 then what would have set the stage for Mr. “Hope” and “Change” Barack Obama.
Decision 2008 the American people are led to believe that their “choice” is between John McCain and Barack Obama. It was obvious from the point Barack won the primary that he would roll over McCain quite easily. In the modern age of TV image is everything and there’s no way in hell America was going to “choose” an old-white “Republican” over the younger multi-cultural Jesus-man “Democrat” making all his ridiculous promises, the political pendulum must swing both to hypnotize the masses into believing the bullshit “Democrat-Republican” left-right paradigm. Just in case America was going to “choose” the old-white guy the primaries ensured that another loyalist to Zionist imperialism would hold the puppet position. (NOTE: My use of the term Zionist does NOT mean Judaism by any means, Israel is an apartheid state and many Jews condemn many of their fascist policies including their treatment of the Palestinians. Google search Jews against Zionism; “You don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist”---Joe Biden.)

In 2000 John McCain’s campaign for Presidency had a man name Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was "Democrat" Jimmy Carter’s foreign policy advisor. Brzezinski has a long rap sheet of arming “rebel forces” all around the world then bombing the country the “rebel forces” inhabit to bring them “liberty and freedom.” Brzezinski is an extremely powerful man far exceeding John McCain and Barack Obama’s political clout put together, when Zbigniew says “jump” they ask “how high” he tells them to open their mouth and they ask “how wide?” plain and simple. Brzezinski has long been writing about his ideal of a one-world government in his books dating back to the 1970s. One of Brzezinski’s more famous quotes pertains to his plans for global government but also is a comment one the growing consciousness among the “politically awakening masses” for true freedom and openness “To put it pungently, in earlier times it was easier to control a million people than it was to kill a million people…Today it is infinitely easier to physically kill a million people than it is to control a million people.”

Eight years later John McCain actually secures the “Republican” nomination and runs against “Democrat” nominee Barack Obama. This campaign Zbigniew’s son Ian Brzezinski was named foreign policy advisor to Senator McCain, and who is Mr. “Change’s” foreign policy advisor you may ask?...Mark Brzezinski, Zbigniew’s other son. Obama also “appointed” his other string-pullers like Rahm Emmanuel whose father was an Israeli terrorist, and David Axelrod another Zionist who undoubtedly ran all sorts of shady businesses in one of the political cesspits of the world called Chicago.  

Flash-forward again to 2012 and the Nominees this time are…Barack Obama, and Mitt Romney. Have we learned anything yet? Both have big-banking interests at heart Mitt Romney said himself that he would have signed the National Defense Authorization Act which allows the President to detain any US citizens in “war” or “peace” with total suspension of habeas corpus and any other basic rights. So-called “ObamaCare” is based off Romney’s unconstitutional health-care reform he passed during his time as Governor in Massachusetts. Romney has even stated he would be harsher against the Iranians, have yourself a good laugh sometime and watch the greatest Romney flip-flop compilation on Youtube, really says everything you need to know about the man. Romney is a classic “stop me when you hear something you like” candidate and stands for nothing except business as usual just like Obama. Wake up, America your elections are a joke and you’re subjected to its’ fallout.    

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